Corrupt display after upgrade to Lucid

Mark mhullrich at
Wed Dec 1 00:17:35 UTC 2010

On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 4:02 PM, Rafiq Hajat <ipi.malawi at> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I took the daring step of upgrading karmic on my laptop to lucid and
> now get a garbled screen that's impossible to read. I thing it's an
> XORG  issue - maybe the resolution? Suffice to say, it is infuriating
> because most of my work is on this damned machine and I'm totally
> stuck. Please help if possible.
> Thanks

With this little detail, it sounds like the video card and/or monitor
specs in your xorg.conf file are wrong - refresh rate ranges or
resolution settings maybe.

You can try mucking with the xorg.conf file if you have any clue what
you're doing, but it can be tricky if you've never done it before.
You can also try renaming the file to something else and see if the
system will create a working default one for you (and if it creates
one that doesn't work, you can play with the differences to find
something that might work).

Once you have it working at all, you can try tweaking it with the
monitor preferences and display controls in the system menus.

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