glibc6-dev-i386 for 64bit Lucid

Monezz monezz at
Tue Aug 31 12:27:53 UTC 2010

On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 12:52 PM, Chadley Wilson
<chadleyw at> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Need a recommendation on how to proceed,
> I need to install the glibc6-dev-i386 or 32 bit package on my lucid 64 bit system.
> What repo can I add  to apt to get access to 32 bit packages lucid packages?
There are some 32 bit libraries in the 64 bit repository.
Those package names all start with lib32.

I suspect adding a 32 bit repo will mess up the package manager since
many package names will be duplicated.
I did something similar on gentoo (back when that was the only viable
64 bit distro), but concluded the extra effort negates the main
advantage of a package manager (install things without hassle).
If I remember right I ended up installing the 32 bit libraries I
needed manually.

If you need to compile 32 bit code, you could also install a headless
32 bit ubuntu in a virtual box and perform the compilation there.

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