Office 2010

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Tue Aug 31 07:39:12 UTC 2010

On 31/08/2010 17:04, Chadley Wilson wrote:
> <<snipp>>
>> Just a thought:
>> Seems like the OP really need MS Office and he also really like visual effects
>> and things like that. So why not buy a Mac? There is a MS Office version for
>> Mac, isn't there? And there are plenty of visual effects. Unfortunately
>> Compiz Fusion doesn't work on MacOS as far as I know, but there are other
>> cool stuff out there.
>> As I said, just a thought.
>> Best regards
>> Johnny Rosenberg
> Gees, Johnny, you are making me drool! :)  What I would give for a mac, next time I am in the UK I might just pick one up.
> Problem is that in SA we pay 60% more them and they are really not affordable...

"Problem is that in SA we pay 60% more them ..." than...where?

England is one of the most expensive countries to buy anything.

Why not look for sources and look at the rates of exchange, including delivery charges, and then make a decision.


Vulgar language is the linguistic crutch of inarticulate people.

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