boot screen missing on 10,04 with intel graphics

Monezz monezz at
Tue Aug 31 07:10:51 UTC 2010

On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 8:57 AM, Mike McMullin <mmcmullin at> wrote:
> so I'd also like to set the delay for the default
> boot to at least 30 seconds or so.
change the GRUB_TIMEOUT setting to 30 in  /etc/default/grub
and run: sudo update-grub

> First off there is no boot screen, the display is black then it
> shows a normal 80x60 scroll of ongoing processes followed by a flicker and the
> resolution changes to high.
I also experience some wierd screens during boot on my laptop with ati
card (modified by hp to make life even worse)
I suspect it has something to do with the timing of loading the
graphics driver in the kernel.
Its just a few seconds so I choose to ignore it :)

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