A little confused

Deryl R. Doucette david at pgpkeys.net
Mon Aug 30 15:41:37 UTC 2010

On 10-08-30 10:02 AM, Ioannis Vranos wrote:
> On Sun, 2010-08-29 at 23:17 -0700, NoOp wrote:
>>> So I gave the proper short answer, no antivirus is needed in practice.
>> No you didn't & your answer is wrong IMO. The systems that I referred to
>> aren't commercial. Every hear of dual-boot? How about having a Win
>> machine on your local network. None of that is commercial or uncommon.
>> Having an AV (or not) is no different than installing any other personal
>> application on your system(s). It's *your* choice. IMO it's better to
>> point a user to helpful links so that they can make their own choice.
> My PC is dual boot with Linux and Windows, and I have Microsoft Security
> Essentials (MSE) installed in Windows, and no antivirus in Linux
> installation.

Personally, I run clamav on my linux installations. No, there is no
requirement that I do so, I  own free will since I share tons of files
with my family. I'm the only one in my family, and most of my friends,
that runs *nix. Everyone else runs Windows. So that I do not aid and
abet the spreading of viruses and the like, I scan each and every email
and file that I share.

But, I agree that it is a *personal* choice to do so. I just wish more
folks would choose the choice I have made. One can wish :)

Deryl R. Doucette

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