Office 2010

Chadley Wilson chadleyw at
Mon Aug 30 15:07:16 UTC 2010

> -----Original Message-----
> From: ubuntu-users-bounces at [mailto:ubuntu-users-
> bounces at] On Behalf Of Amedee Van Gasse (ub)
> Sent: 30 August 2010 04:50 PM
> > You might say that was not the best way to do it, but the fact remains
> > that if you have a lot of apps like that developed with MS tools, you
> > will have a big job on you hands to re-program it all for OOo.  I see
> > it as a major blocker for conversion from MS Office to OOo.
> A lot of these spreadsheet apps shouldn't have been written in a
> spreadsheet at all. Not in Excel, not in OpenCalc.
> I *know* how these things grow organically and bottom-up. Trust me, I
> *really* know. Ulcers upon ulcers. But somewhere along the line somebody
> has to stand up and stop those monstrosities. Sometimes I am that person.
> I have been able to kill a few Excel monsters and have it rewritten by
> *real* developers in a *real* programming language.
Yes, I understand your points, but speculating what you know and your experience and your opinions back at my situation is counterproductive.
And it does not add any value to the solution what-so-ever. It messes up the thread for internet refrence sake, in case some other poor bloke has the same situation as I do. Whether or not we in future have some of my many spreadsheets properly developed or not is not the issue here. Many of my spreadsheets pull data directly from a database already and many of them enter information into tables on database.
Now sure one fine day our developers here might allow me to join the dev. team and we can convert them all into a proper application.
But until then this is my present situation, I need a solution in the interest of running Linux specifically Ubuntu. I don't have to run linux. I WANT TO!! Get it :)  So none of these remarks are technically assisting except for the few about Vmware and Virtual box.

You see now what you've done? :( I have to start a new thread, which poses the question, the build up to the answer and the solution. So that some poor bloke doesn't get a hit and end up reading opinions which have actually got nothing to do with the problem or the solution. Maybe we can discuss it on the discussion forum, and leave the technical stuff here.

I am starting remember why I stopped using mailing lists long, long ago. Mmm...

Chadley Wilson | Engineer
Research and Development | Pinnacle Africa

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