Office 2010

Nils Kassube kassube at
Mon Aug 30 09:49:22 UTC 2010

Chadley Wilson wrote:
> Potentially dangerous question for the list!

I don't think so.

> So how can I run Office 2010 in my Ubuntu?
> Wine or some better emulator?
> I need .Net framework in order for it to install ;(

I have no idea if it would run with wine, but I think it should work in 
a virtual machine like virtualbox, which is in the Ubuntu repositories. 
You would still need Windows though.

> PS:
> I know all the open source fanatics are going to jump in on this one,
> and even if I say my reasons are none of your business, you guys
> will still want to fight. So the reason why I want Office 2010, is
> because open office advanced formulas are not compatible with MS
> office, and visa versa... Open Office lacks modern means of
> navigation and interface, and I hate getting a pop up window every
> time I delete a value in a cell. Basically for me, Open office still
> looks like Office 97. It totally blows. As new as the underlying
> code may be, the interface sucks. So even though the MS OS sucks and
> lacks decent desktop effects, their office package is awesome.

Well, if you want to rant about OOo, this is the wrong place because the 
OOo developers are probably not found on this list.


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