Network Manager Problem...

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Sun Aug 29 12:55:33 UTC 2010

On 29/08/2010 22:41, Larry Shields wrote:
> *I have a wireless connection to my wireless router, it show it is 
> 100%, yet for some reason it drops the connection every minute or so...
> Is there some thing that can be added to keep it alive, or active...???
> Any help would be appreciated...
> Thanks Larry
> * 

Larry, I think that you have been around the traps long enough to know 
that one needs to provide more info than just the simple outline above.

But have you looked here for an answer-

or even here-


(Reverse the situation: if you read a message like the one you just 
wrote, what would you need to know in order to try and help the person? 
For example, which version of Ubuntu, what wireless router,.....)


Vulgar language is the linguistic crutch of inarticulate mentally challenged.

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