
Basil Chupin blchupin at
Sun Aug 29 11:59:11 UTC 2010

On 29/08/2010 19:21, chris wrote:
> On Sun, 2010-08-29 at 17:34 +1000, Basil Chupin wrote:
>> Are you on dial-up?
>> And even then you cannot 'handle' a few Kb for a single message?
>> Even at dial-up that's about 1 second of download time - but it may look
>> ENORMOUS on your monitor screen when displayed :-) .
> It depends on what your paying.
> some of us live under third world conditions, and when you get a whole
> thread of nonsense
> Work it out

As one famous line in a famous moving picture fillum (whose name I 
cannot now recall) stated., "If it hurts, why do it?"

It's cheaper to send a letter than pay thru the nose for internet 
access, right? So...... :-) .

But are you really saying that where you are is "third world"?

Never! Even England has sheep!

Hmmm...but come to think of it.... :-) .


Vulgar language is the linguistic crutch of inarticulate persons.

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