Slow booting system...

Marius Gedminas marius at
Fri Aug 27 13:03:56 UTC 2010

On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 08:54:09AM -0400, Jared Greenwald wrote:
> I just recently attempted to switch my network from a Linksys router to an
> Ubuntu system.  I previously had a Gentoo system there as my router, but
> acer a while it got a bit tedious to compile stuff on a Pentium 2.  In any
> case, my current router system is a 500mhz Athlon K6-2 that is no speed
> demon either.  My question is...  during boot it seems to be taking forever
> to get up to a login prompt.  On the order of 5 minutes or more.

Maybe check /etc/fstab for filesystems that cannot be mounted on boot,
leading to a timeout.

> All the
> while the screen is just blank.

I think you can see (some) messages by pressing Alt-F12.  Or it may be
one of the other virtual consoles; pressing Alt-Right a number of times
will cycle through all of them.

> I've tried switching between ttys, but
> nothing seems to work. Is there anything I can do to make the boot process
> more verse??

More verbose?  Select 'rescue mode' in GRUB boot menu, and you'll see
plenty of messages.  (And when you get to the rescue mode menu, just say
"boot normally").

Marius Gedminas
The typewriter was invented by Hungarian immigrant Qwert Yuiop, who left his
"signature" on the keyboard.
        -- "Kim"
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