Wiping data from a hard drive. - DIDN'T WORK

Basil Chupin blchupin at iinet.net.au
Fri Aug 27 09:29:52 UTC 2010

On 27/08/2010 15:39, Ric Moore wrote:
> On Fri, 2010-08-27 at 14:18 +1000, Basil Chupin wrote:
>> On 26/08/2010 16:07, Basil Chupin wrote:
>>> On 26/08/2010 05:52, Ric Moore wrote:
>>>> On Wed, 2010-08-25 at 23:20 +1000, Basil Chupin wrote:
>>>>>     have HDs now in their 8th or so year of usage (Quantums, Maxtors) but
>>>>> these new drives now predominantly made in China are just ****.
>>>>> I would like to also thank everyone who responded to my post - Thanks guys!
>>>> I remember reading, back when, that you could put a harddrive into a
>>>> freezer overnight and that it would run, for a bit, the next day. Dunno
>>>> if that works. I think you should go for Brigitte Nelson. You'll
>>>> probably have more luck. :) Ric
>>> Someone else has also mentioned it - and it immediately brought to mind
>>> this phenomenon which a tech, who serviced HDs, told me about years ago.
>>> So, the HD is now sitting in the freezer compartment till tomorrow
>>> morning. Here's hoping.......
>> Well that didn't work :-) . This was the first lesson.
>> The second lesson is to wear gloves when handling the metal of the HD-
>> the thing was so cold my fingers hurt for 15 minutes afterwards! :-D
>> (I'm going to drill out the bolts, use Ezy-out to get them out, take out
>> the magnets, and hang the platters over the cars in the car port to stop
>> the bleeding bird (Magpie Lark) from flying over them and pooping on
>> them! So, the HD will still be of some use even after death :-) .)
> Now we all know.. who says this list is dead?? I've got one drive that
> goes knock-knock-knock as soon as I boot with it plugged in. I blew it
> up diddling with the hdparms. Maybe it's for the best, nothing but pics
> of old GF on it, who's long gone and re-married.<evil cackles>  Ric

Sounds like something you need to burn to a CD/DVD before the HD gives up.

You don't keep pics of "old GF on it, who's long gone and re-married." 
on an HD for no reason - even if it is about to go belly up.


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inverse proportion to its desirability.

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