Wiping data from a hard drive.
Basil Chupin
blchupin at iinet.net.au
Thu Aug 26 06:14:03 UTC 2010
On 26/08/2010 01:30, Kent Borg wrote:
> A note on prevention: if you do an install that is encrypted (even
> encrypted swap) then disposal is much less worrisome. If you trust the
> encryption, destroying the key is all you will need to do. Unless the
> data is extraordinarily sensitive, return for warranty replacement with
> no worry.
> If you want to be paranoid and also physically damage the drive, even
> poor encryption will make you more secure: if the recovery folks can't
> recognize sensible fragments it is going to make their job more difficult.
> -kb
Now THIS is a good idea!
When I install I am asked if I want to encrypt the partition(s) and I
always respond with NO because a few years ago I decided to encrypt a
partition in XP, then something went wrong and I couldn't get at the
data for all the coke in Colombia (better than saying "for all the tea
in China" which is now oh ever so 60s :-) ).
While it is now too late but I will take this approach the next time I
do a clean install (or can I do the encryption on the current system? -
must look it up.)
Thanks for this idea!
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