Ubuntu or Red-Hat for servers?

Christopher Chan christopher.chan at bradbury.edu.hk
Wed Aug 25 16:52:16 UTC 2010

Jordon Bedwell wrote:
>   On 8/25/2010 12:47 AM, Christopher Chan wrote:
>> On Wednesday, August 25, 2010 04:53 AM, Maxime Alarie wrote:
>>> Whats your picks?
>> OpenSolaris
> This is a troll, right? Is this serious?

I still run OpenSolaris for the current school file servers (desktops in 
reality). You got a problem with that? For the replacement server (real 
server - boasts two six-core Opterons, 16GB of RAM at the moment, two 
LSI2008 SAS controllers, dual port SAS/SATA backplanes for a total of 36 
disks, onboard dual Gig Intel nic + 4 port Intel Giga Nic, redundant 
power supply, yada yada) I am running Nexenta RC3 at the moment and 
depending on how things go I will either stick with it or go Iluminos.

FYI, I have solely managed clusters of servers (okay maybe around 50 
boxes) with  Redhat Linux X, Fedora Core X that handled over 200 million 
smtp transactions and delivered between 3-5 million emails on a daily 
basis well before OpenSolaris got its first stable release aka 2008.05.

If you can show me something that can do snapshots every 30 mins between 
0700-1900 every weekday and keep enough snapshots for 3 months and 
serves files via smb/nfs/afp without crawling, then let me know. 
Otherwise, you pay the toll fee for crossing this bridge.

/me wields spiked club and gives Jordon a menacing look.

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