This used to be a great list

Jordon Bedwell jordon at
Tue Aug 24 22:23:20 UTC 2010

  On 8/24/2010 5:15 PM, Kevin O'Gorman wrote:
> What a perfect example of the trolling that this thread has {turned into /
> been complaining
> about}!
> 1: You don't know if that person accepts "Chris", do you? Some people prefer
> the full name.
> 2: You really ought to know the vocabulary if you're going to pick nits
> about a topic.  The word
>      you want is "surname", not "sir name" (as if it had been knighted?).
> Normally I'd mark a post like this OT or worse, but this time I don't think
> it's needed.

I've been knighted brah, call me Sir. Linux-a-lot; plzkthnx bai.

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