Partman manual configuration?

Peter Smith peter.smith3882100 at
Mon Aug 23 22:52:32 UTC 2010

> Hello
> I am installing Ubuntu 10.04 with the ubuntu-10.04-alternate-i386 CD
> as i need to configure an encrypted root volume without LVM. The disk
> is an Intel X25-M SSD so the partitions needs to be aligned, i
> configure language and keyboard settings, then i activate another
> console with ALT+F2 and use fdisk to partition the disk correctly. The
> console is closed and i continue with the installation on ALT+F1.
> After a few configuration steps partman is loaded by the installer, i
> choose "Manual" and the partitions created earlier with fdisk are
> shown. Now my problem is that dm-crypt needs to be aligned also by
> setting a custom LUKS "Payload offset" this is not possible from
> within partman and if i try to configure LUKS in another console
> before partman is loaded, the volume is not detected when partman is
> started. The custom LUKS "Payload offset" can be created with the
> command "cryptsetup luksFormat --align-payload=VALUE". Also the
> filesystem needs to be aligned, but this is not possible from within
> Partman either.
> Does anybody have any suggestions on how to solve this problem? Is it
> possible to disable partman under the installation?

I have now found a solution to my problem. Simply add "luksFormat
--align-payload=VALUE" to the file in /lib/partman/lib/
and continue the installation as usual.

Now the big questions is which VALUE is the correct one?

Sorry for top posting in my other mails by the way.

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