RSS feed - Search upon startup

Colin Law clanlaw at
Mon Aug 23 10:40:29 UTC 2010

On 21 August 2010 05:29, GaryT <taig at> wrote:
> Once upon a time I had installed the BBC news service onto Firefox, so
> that it was available from an RSS button, somewhere up on the toolbar.
> That was long ago.
> Now I've found that Ubuntu is still checking in to the BBC service every
> time I start the machine.  I want to stop it.
> Can someone tell me where/how to find the cause.  Where and what would
> be causing this to happen.  Firefox does not start when the computer
> starts, so it must be something that was installed at the time.

I presume you have checked that you have not got any Live Bookmarks
left enabled in FF?  Go to Bookmarks, Organise Bookmarks and look for
RSS feeds there, expanding all the folders.  Particularly check the
Bookmarks Toolbar for 'Latest Headlines'.  Delete any feeds you no
longer require.


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