Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS released

Jordon Bedwell jordon at envygeeks.com
Mon Aug 23 07:29:51 UTC 2010

  On 8/23/2010 2:03 AM, Basil Chupin wrote:
> Sorry, I just noticed your post (I lost one of the system's HDs this
> morning and was trying to get it to "come alive" all day - but to no
> avail :'( .)
> As is normally the case, we are faced with the problem of definitions
> and terminology. :-) (in one distro "updates" means one thing, in
> another "upgrades" means the same but "updates" has a totally different
> meaning....and so it goes on.... :-) .)
> I think that your basic premise is correct: one has a Desktop
> Environment which can be KDE of Gnome or xfce or whatever - and you
> switch between them by login out and then back in and selecting the DE
> you want.
> However, the common usage of "different desktops" is, once you have
> selected your DE (say, KDE or Gnome) you are able to switch 'desktop
> screens' (by a variety of options).
> I suspect that this is why some distros have chosen to use the term
> "workspaces" rather than "desktops".
> But note!: Ubuntu is also using the term "workspace" - but, as you know
> - habits die hard :-) .
> BC

diff the messages and send me the big difference between the two. hint: 
has something to do with "trim" Your message was useful but talk about 
having to sort through trash... Anyways, a better explanation: they are 
called workspaces because they share the same environment, the same 
desktop (environment).  If you log out your entire desktop is cleared.  
If they were separate desktops (and not environments) your logging out 
would not affect the "neighbor", the same way you logging out would not 
affect root if he/she is logged in (unless you reset the entire machine 
but that's a whole different conversation.)

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