Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS released

ms devicerandom at gmail.com
Sun Aug 22 23:39:39 UTC 2010

On 21/08/10 11:26, Res wrote:
> On Fri, 20 Aug 2010, Karl Larsen wrote:
>>          Hard to believe since I wrote only 8 emails to this list this
>> week and cannot see how they could do so much damage.  If your so
>> worried about my misleading other users by all means you need to correct
>> what I write. Then maybe I can learn as well
> or, you could STFU and stay out of what you know nothing about, there are
> many knowledgable folk here who will answer people with their need for
> help and will learn the right way, and, you too can learn the right way by
> reading those replies, you far too often but in when you know nothing
> about it, throwing in ' thoughts of what might be, in your opinion '
> thats dangerous, Karl, this has been brought to your attention many a time
> before, its about time you listened to them.

Can't just the guy be banned from the list? I think there is consensus 
he's a net negative.

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