Moving a server over to a RAID

Luis Paulo luis.barbas at
Sun Aug 22 13:14:39 UTC 2010

On Sat, Aug 21, 2010 at 9:07 PM, Mike A. Leonetti
<mikealeonetti at> wrote:
>  (2010年08月21日 15:27), Luis Paulo wrote:
>> Let me just add that, with your new setup, you may create just one
>> swap device (say /dev/md0) with /dev/sda2 and /dev/sdb2 in a mdadm
>> raid0 array. Not that important as most systems rarely use it :)
> Thanks mon. I think I read somewhere if you use the options
> defaults,pri=1 for each swap you don't have to RAID them because the
> kernel will automatically balance them or something like that.

As you know, a raid0 swap will make disk access to swap faster, that
was my idea.

But as James said, if you want to be sure your server will keep
running in a disk failure event, you should put the swap also in a
raid1, right.

On my server I just want to be able to restore it easy and fast, so I
use raid1, but I put swap, /tmp and most of /var on raid0. (A disk
failure is a disk failure, is a disk failure, is a ... :)

BTW, a question to all, if you have a full raid1 (or 5) system, how do
you know a disk has failed? I know you configure a mail address on
mdadm.conf that reports it, ok, but you won't know it until you have
read the mail. Do any of you have a way to get informed more "on the
(Somehow this seems a stupid question, don't really know why)


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