Looking for picture gallery/editing application with some specific features

Chris G cl at isbd.net
Sat Aug 21 09:03:54 UTC 2010

I currently use Digikam on my Xubuntu system but I've decided it isn't
ideal for my requirements, so I'm looking for an alternative.  What
I'm looking for in particular is:-

    The ability to import pictures into a structure which directly
    reflects the pictures' dates.  I.e. I want to import a picture
    taken on 13th November 2002 into a directory .../2002/11/13 or at
    least something like that.  This is the way I arrange most of my
    photos anyway and it's surely trivially easy for the computer to
    do it for me!

    Either an actual web application (like Gallery2 for example) or
    one which enables me to refer directly to images via my web
    server.  Digikam's 'Export to Gallery' feature is very clumsy, I
    need something much more transparent.

    Use the pictures' EXIF and/or other data (if present) to annotate

Is there anything out there that can do this sort of thing?

Chris Green

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