Faulty tree

Frans Ketelaars ketelaars at wanadoo.nl
Sat Aug 21 08:43:26 UTC 2010

On Fri, 20 Aug 2010 21:48:55 -0700, Jim Smith wrote:

> Just completed the upgrade to 10.04.1 today. Something went wrong at the
> end of the upgrade and now a lot of software just doesn't work or seems
> to be unrecognised by the menu system. Firefox unfortunately is the
> worst case. Synaptic or any other package manager doesn't want to work
> either, when I try to run any pkg manager I get the error message
> "Reading package lists... Done
> Segmentation faulty tree... 50%"
> I had done all the updates available just prior to the upgrade. Is there
> something that can be done?
> Any advice will be much appreciated.
> Thanks
> Jim

Googling for "Segmentation ... 50%" ( _with_ quotes ) yields many results.

http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=270147 says:

"Other apt bug reports reported success in moving aside
/var/cache/apt/*.bin so I did that and was able to remove the package
without a segfault."

What I find strange about the error string "Segmentation faulty tree" is 
that I wonder if it means a "segmentation fault" or "faulty tree" ...

Good luck!


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