Some characters invisible, 'r' 'p' , in Firefox - wierd. On KUbuntu 10.4 ; jor
john_re at
Tue Aug 17 03:05:37 UTC 2010
Text there (From Ctrl-C copy)
Text as appears, with characters missing:
Water quality closures up at some area beaches
Wate quality closu es u at some a ea beaches
Travel into the Transbay Terminal's past
T avel into the T ansbay Te minal's ast
I also saw this on a site of mine:
"Sat & Sun weekend meetings are usually also in person at U.C.
Berkeley's Free Speech Cafe. Check the mailing list, #berkeleytip IRC
channel, & this page for the latest details."
"Sat & Sun weekend meetings are usually also in e son at U.C. Be
keley's F ee S eech Cafe. Check the mailing list, #berkeleytip IRC
channel, & this page fo the latest details."
Those texts are copy and paste each first line,
& then i hand removed the 'invisible' characters on the second line, for
this email.
So, the characters are in the text, they just appear as blank space in
the pages.
Some, but not all of those characters.
Anyone seen this? Fix?
I think I first might have noticed this a few days ago.
Firefox 3.6.8 direct download from mozilla,
on recently updated KUbuntu 10.4, for 64bit processor.
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686 (x86_64); en-US; rv:
Probably started with a command like:
"firefox$ ./firefox -no-remote -P {profilename}"
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