Understanding the time command

Gary Jarrel garyjarrel at gmail.com
Mon Aug 16 01:24:42 UTC 2010

On Sun, Aug 15, 2010 at 2:37 AM, Luis Paulo <luis.barbas at gmail.com> wrote:

> Also, I don't understand why does it feel "sluggish" if the real time
> is the same. I guess you mean that you were expecting system A to be
> much faster, no? Or do you feel that system A is really slower in the
> overall or in same tasks?

It tends to feel slower than my other machine, eg, in place like
opening Eclipse for example System A takes about 10 seconds longer
than on System B.... It seems to sit there and do nothing for about 10
seconds then Eclipse splash pops up and starts loading. I also find
the system moving around through folders in the home directory slower
and not as responsive as System B. Just doesn't feel like it's
performing to it's hardware specifications.

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