Include a Media Player in Installation CD / DVD

Billie Walsh bilwalsh at
Sun Aug 15 12:56:44 UTC 2010

On 08/15/2010 07:39 AM, Basil Chupin wrote:
> On 15/08/2010 22:12, Jim Byrnes wrote:
>> Basil Chupin wrote:
>>> On 15/08/2010 19:27, Yorvyk wrote:
>>>> On Sun, 15 Aug 2010 17:41:34 +1000
>>>> Basil Chupin<blchupin at>     wrote:
>>>>> On 15/08/2010 13:21, IdleOne wrote:
>>>>>> Ubuntu comes with Totem as a default as for the codecs, there are legal
>>>>>> reasons why those codecs are not installed by default and they won't be
>>>>>> anytime soon
>>>>> Nor forever - if the terms of the secret negotiations now going on
>>>>> between nations, and about which they are "sworn" not to discuss or
>>>>> disclose to their citizens are accepted. I read about this only a day or
>>>>> so ago but now cannot find the reference to this :-( .
>>>>> And it is not a joke.
>>>>> I'll see if I can find this article I read and will then post it
>>>>> probably in sounder.
>>>> I think it is ACTA that youâEUR^(TM)re talking about.
>>> I believe you are correct. All I now need is to find the article I
>>> mentioned. The details of this ACTA are not revealed or discussed
>>> publicly - the whole thing is being dealt in complete secrecy.
>>> BC
>> Maybe on this site:  I know that's where I
>> read about it.
>> Regards,  Jim
> No it wasn't - I haven't read TheRegister in quite a while. However,
> I'll check it out.
> I read the article in either one of our local (Australian) [online]
> newspapers or the BBC News (online) or Global Research or.....damned if
> I can remember! :-) .
> BC

<partial quote>
At the 8th round of negotiations, 12--16 April 2010 in Wellington 
<>, New Zealand, it was agreed to 
release the official current draft text 
which was published on 20 April 2010. As a draft the text that is still 
subject to negotiation, and the published draft text includes 
alternative wording and suggestions in brackets. The published draft 
text does not indicate the position of individual countries.
</partial quote>


<partial quote>
ACTA has several features that raise significant potential concerns for 
consumers' privacy and civil liberties, for innovation and the free flow 
of information on the Internet, legitimate commerce, and for developing 
countries' ability to choose policy options that best suit their 
domestic priorities and level of economic development.
</partial quote>

"A good moral character is the first essential in a man." George Washington

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