can't open floppy disc

NoOp glgxg at
Sat Aug 14 18:00:40 UTC 2010

On 08/14/2010 07:37 AM, Graham Watkins wrote:
> On 14/08/10 15:06, Andrew Farris wrote:
>> I believe what he means is downgrading. To do this through Synaptic:
>>       1. Go to "System>  Administration>  Synaptic Package Manager".
>>          Enter your password when prompted
>>       2. Quick search for the package you need (in this case the package
>>          is called 'udisks')
>>       3. Left-click/select to the 'udisks' package, and go to "Package>
>>          Force Version " from the synaptic menu
>>       4. In the pop-up that appears, select the option "1.0.1-1build1
>>          (lucid)" from the drop-down and click the 'Force Version'
>>          button.
>>       5. Click 'Apply'
>> Hope that helps :)

Yes. That's what I meant. Thanks Andrew for the very clear instructions.

BTW: that will only hold the package in Synaptic. Here is how to hold
udisks when using apt-get:

$ sudo -s
[your password]
# echo udisks hold | dpkg --set-selections
# exit
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

Now when you use apt-get & have updates, you'll see:
Reading state information... Done
The following packages have been kept back:

To put it back (don't forget to do it in Synaptic as well):
$ sudo -s
[your password]
# echo udisks install | dpkg --set-selections
# exit
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

> That's fixed it.
> Many thanks,
> Graham

Glad it works for you. You might want to subscribe to those two bugs I
provided, as eventually you may need to unpin the package. Also the more
folks that let the devs know that their 'fix' broke floppy access, the
faster (hopefully?) they get it fixed properly.

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