can't open floppy disc

Andrew Farris flyindragon1 at
Sat Aug 14 14:06:13 UTC 2010

On Sat, 2010-08-14 at 10:20 +0100, Graham Watkins wrote: 
> [snip]   
> Could you spell out in more detail what's involved in
> Back down to 1.0.1-1build1
> or point me at the relevant info.

I believe what he means is downgrading. To do this through Synaptic: 
     1. Go to "System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager".
        Enter your password when prompted 
     2. Quick search for the package you need (in this case the package
        is called 'udisks') 
     3. Left-click/select to the 'udisks' package, and go to "Package >
        Force Version " from the synaptic menu 
     4. In the pop-up that appears, select the option "1.0.1-1build1
        (lucid)" from the drop-down and click the 'Force Version'
     5. Click 'Apply'

Hope that helps :)

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