
Dirk Freitag unreal.linux at
Fri Aug 13 07:39:31 UTC 2010

On 08/13/2010 03:32 AM, Basil Chupin wrote:
> On 13/08/2010 17:21, Dirk Freitag wrote:
>> On 08/13/2010 03:04 AM, Thomas Yao wrote:
>>> On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 2:42 PM, Basil Chupin<blchupin at>    wrote:
>>>> On 11/08/2010 06:59, Preston Hagar wrote:
>>>>> On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 8:39 AM, Kaushal Shriyan
>>>>> <kaushalshriyan at>      wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> Are there good notifiers for thunderbird on Ubuntu Linux 10.04
>>>>>> desktop,I mean if i click on it i am able to open the message ?
>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>> Kaushal
>>>>> I have searched long and hard for this since my upgrade to Lucid
>>>>> (10.04) and subsequent upgrade to Thunderbird 3.  I am right now using
>>>>> a combination of FireTray:
>>>>> and Libnotify Popups:
>>>> [pruned]
>>>> Thank you for pointing out the above 2 extensions and their pros/cons.
>>>> But I have to ask - simply out of curiosity - why would one need to have
>>>> an addon installed for this purpose when it only takes a simple click on
>>>> a desktop icon where Thunderbird is running to see if TB has received
>>>> new mail for you? Obviously there must be at least one reason otherwise
>>>> the addon would not have been written, nor maintained, but what is that
>>>> reason?
>>>> Is it because by having this addon you can read the mail while you are
>>>> using a different application on a different Desktop? If so, doesn't
>>>> this overwrite the screen with TB mail?
>>>> BC
>>>> --
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>>> Just add an add-on called "minimizetoTray plus" and it works well
>> Just did this for my netbook to get back into the ubuntu email list.
>> minimize to tray is nice.
> But this, nor Thomas Yao's post, answers my question.
> BC

Well, are you looking for a better notifier than the one thunderbird 
comes with?  Because if you minimize thunderbird, it will notify you 
when an email comes in and you can click on the title to open the message.

So are you looking for a prettier version of this, or are you just 
trying to get rid of the thunderbird taskbar when minimized?

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