Anyone rolling a kernel nowadays?

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Fri Aug 13 05:58:41 UTC 2010

On 13/08/2010 13:29, Basil Chupin wrote:
> On 13/08/2010 11:31, Ric Moore wrote:
>> On Wed, 2010-08-11 at 13:55 +1000, Basil Chupin wrote:
>>> (1) the Timer Frequency is set to - 275HZ or 1000HZ? (you'll find this
>>> in the Processor Type and Features);
>> The selections presented were 100, 250, 300, 1000hz
>> The pre-select is 250
>>> (2) In Processor Type&   Features>Preemption Mode, is RealTime Preemption
>>> selected (it should be)?
>> I found:
>> Preemption Model (Voluntary Kernel Preemption (Desktop))  --->
>> ( ) No Forced Preemption (Server)
>> (X) Voluntary Kernel Preemption (Desktop)
>> ( ) Preemptible Kernel (Low-Latency Desktop)
>> that what you're looking for?? Which should be of those three??
>>> (The last Q. would have been is the Processor Type set to your CPU make
>>> but it wasn't and I too will therefore need to change it to Athlon.)
>> Nope, sure wasn't, mine was set to intel and I have an athlon64.
>>> Now to go and read that URL you provided while I wait your response to
>>> above questions :-) .
>> Have fun! Ric
> I have to go out for a short time. I've been trying to find my printouts
> where all this is shown but for now have a look here:
> BC

Further to the above.

I cannot find my printouts, but in any case they would be somewhat 
out-of-date by now as they may have been prepared in the days of the 2.4 
kernel - cannot remember.

Anyway, just spent a bit of time looking around to see if I can find the 
answer to the question of which option to use re Kernel 
Preemption....and found such a lot of damn goobly-dook about what is now 
the default you show above (the Voluntary Kernel Preemption) that it is 
making my head spin :-) . Robert Day was involved in some discussion 
about this Voluntary Kernel Preemption so perhaps I better direct a 
question at him about this.

However, if I recall what the dox, which I printed out whenever, was to 
use the Low Latency option.

This, together with the 1000HZ Frequency is for Desktops [1] and to make 
sure that Multi-Media works OK. (The argument even at that time was that 
the kernel was always being developed for the SERVER and not for the 
Desktop environment, hence the need for the change in settings.)

Which is why I have now become interested in rolling my own kernel to 
see if I can get a couple of problems resolved I'm having with a couple 
of video apps.

[1] Those who are using laptops may want to dig a bit deeper about this 
matter as it is mentioned that the higher Timer Frequency speeds up the 
reduction of battery power.


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