Where Ubu fails. Was: Re: Karl - grub2 and ext2/ext3/ext4

Basil Chupin blchupin at iinet.net.au
Fri Aug 13 05:37:03 UTC 2010

On 13/08/2010 13:00, Rashkae wrote:
> Basil Chupin wrote:
>> Sorry to disagree.
>> I have to uninstall pulse every time before I can use alsamixergui to
>> get my sound working.
>> Have pulse installed and it will not allow alsamixergui to show all the
>> settings it has - only the first 5 are shown. Want to see the rest- get
>> rid of pulseaudio.
>> (Once the sound is going with alsamixer then you can bring back pulse;
>> but you will need to get rid of it again if you want to adjust some
>> setting in alsamixer.)
> This seems to be a problem with alsamixergui, so I would file a bug
> against it.  The problem is not seen when you use alsamixer (You have to
> run alsamixer from console).

I've been using alsamixergui for so long that using the command line 
version simply didn't come to mind :-) . So thanks for bringing it back 
to mind, and it works with pulse installed - so this will save me 
uninstalling pulse.

> It also wouldn't hurt to file a bug against Alsa with details about your
> sound hardware (lspci maybe?).  You should not need to run alsamixer to
> get sound working out of the box.. I know there are problematic systems
> where that might not be the case, but those should still be identified
> and fixed where possible.

As far as I am concerned it is something which pulse introduced because 
when I was using another distro and alsa was used I had absolutely no 
problems with getting sound working out of the box - none. Never had 
trouble with getting my Soundblaster Audigy 2 (5.1 audio) working - 
until pulse came on the scene where I now have to activate <SOB>.....I 
just went into alsamixer to get the name of this setting but I cannot 
see it in alsamixer! :-D . I think it's called "analog input plug" :-) . 
Oh fun and games....... :-) .


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