Where Ubu fails. Was: Re: Karl - grub2 and ext2/ext3/ext4

Basil Chupin blchupin at iinet.net.au
Fri Aug 13 02:48:35 UTC 2010

On 13/08/2010 12:28, Ric Moore wrote:
> On Thu, 2010-08-12 at 22:06 -0400, Tom H wrote:
>> Pulse audio: Just about every version of pulse audio in every
>> distribution has sucked.
> Funny thing, I've raised all kinds of cain about Pulse since it reared
> it's ugly head. I've ranted and cursed it and spewed vitriol all over
> the place. Now, with Lucid, it works well! I can switch audio on the fly
> and I kinda>like it<  It sets up my 5.1 sound just peachy with no fuss.
> I'm impressed! My two cents, Ric

Sorry to disagree.

I have to uninstall pulse every time before I can use alsamixergui to 
get my sound working.

Have pulse installed and it will not allow alsamixergui to show all the 
settings it has - only the first 5 are shown. Want to see the rest- get 
rid of pulseaudio.

(Once the sound is going with alsamixer then you can bring back pulse; 
but you will need to get rid of it again if you want to adjust some 
setting in alsamixer.)


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