Karl - grub2 and ext2/ext3/ext4

chris chevhq at gmail.com
Thu Aug 12 22:23:26 UTC 2010

On Thu, 2010-08-12 at 14:20 -0700, Robert Holtzman wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 06:51:37AM -0600, Karl Larsen wrote:
>                    .........snip........
> > >    
> >          I can't get the Ubuntu leadership to do anything but I plan to 
> > stop D/L all versions but the LTS versions. I agree version 8.04 LTS is 
> > a landmark version but do not know why. I still have 8.04 and when 
> > something on 10.04 is a bug, I check it against 8.04. To date 8.04 has 
> > no bugs that 10.04 has.
> What will you do for a "fall back" system when updates and security
> fixes for 8.04 stop?
> > 
> >          Yes it would seem that a new version once a year is enough.
> > 
> My God, I agree with you.

So - this is in fact an important issue.  so how do we get the
Developers to take notice?
Cheers the kiwi

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