Two Buggy Browsers

Peter von Kaehne refdoc at
Thu Aug 12 08:18:24 UTC 2010

The lock is left there sometimes during crashes. And then nothing works
any more.

Occasionally behaviour like yours happens also if the profile got
corrupted. Sometimes this can not easily get recovered from and a delete
of the firefox profile is needed.

To test for this:

> firefox -ProfileManager

Create a new profile and see if this is running without problems. Then
you can eitehr delete the old default profile or try and fix it. I
personally never managed to salvage old corrupted profiles, just deleted
them. But I do not have a huge number of bookmarks etc, so the pain is

Basically the whole episode seems to me the (not totally infrequent)
result of a bad interplay between firefox and flash.

I guess there  is a reason why Apple's Jobs does not want flash on his


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