Please try: Can you post to this blog? My attempts don't work. ; jor Ubuntu

giovanni_re john_re at
Wed Aug 11 05:39:10 UTC 2010

I've been unable to post a simple comment to these two blog posts:

The latter is the latest post on that blog.

I'm using the latest Firefox direct from Mozilla,  3.6.8, with no addon
extensions, javascript on, & almost no changes to the preferences. 
Running in a separate instance with:
./firefox -no-remote -P myprofilename

Running on KUbuntu 10.4 64 bit, recently updated, on an AMD 4 core

The functionality works for the 
"Comment as 'Select Profile'"
That pops up a window that let's me type in my name.

When I press on only "Post Comment", if I haven't selected a
"Profile"/name, it prompts me to.  Then, when I've done that, it does a
page reload, but my comment isn't posted.

The "Preview" fails to preview, & reloads the page with no posted

Any idea if this is a fail at the blogspot end, or at my end?  All
suggestions appreciated.


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