Desperate Aussie

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Wed Aug 11 04:05:41 UTC 2010

On 11/08/2010 13:46, NoOp wrote:
> On 08/10/2010 02:57 AM, Tony Pursell wrote:
>> On Mon, 2010-08-09 at 21:09 -0700, NoOp wrote:
>>> On 08/09/2010 05:33 AM, nlfirkin at wrote:
>>>> I'm still struggling to see how to get this help to work.  I keep thinking I'm doing
>>>> something wrong. I've sent in my problem with "dual boot twice" but it doesn't seem to
>>>> get to you (someone who can help)
>>> You were replied to on several occasions. Questions were asked and you
>>> didn't reply. Helping is not a one-way street; when folks on the list
>>> take the time to ask further questions reply. Otherwise your posts get
>>> ignored.
>> Pls remember that, for some people, the list server is blacklisted. As
>> it is on the SORBS blacklist, this particularly applies to people in
>> Australia. If you want to make sure the OP is getting to see posts on
>> the list, you will need to contact him/her directly.
> Pls remember that the server wasn't blacklisted then (that I am aware
> of). nlfirkin has contacted me off-list; I'll see if I can help him
> there in the next few days.

Which server are you talking about NoOP which would be affecting people 
in Australia?

I've sent private mail to Robert Day over the past 5 days and he hasn't 
received them (Robert is in Canada).

I'll get in touch with my ISP re this if mail from is being 
affected by this SORBS thing.


Don't resent getting old - a great many are denied the privelege.

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