Converting ext3 to ext4 resulting in loss of data?

Fajar Priyanto fajarpri at
Tue Aug 10 14:33:05 UTC 2010

On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 10:19 PM, James Hogarth <james.hogarth at> wrote:
>> I'm guessing you didn't make a backup of your data in /home, before
>> attempting something like an upgrade ???
> That would be rule number 1 ;)

Yes, a high price indeed!
Photorec recovers most of the files, but it gives them random filenames. LOL.
Now I can imagine myself sorting the files based on file types and
starting from doc files first, then opening the 2000+ doc files one by
one and rename it accordingly.
LOL. DARN!!! ^^

I will not forget to make backup first again....
I will not forget to make backup first again....
I will not forget to make backup first again....
I will not forget to make backup first again....
I will not forget to make backup first again....
I will not forget to make backup first again....

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