external graphic card and display

Liam Proven lproven at gmail.com
Tue Aug 10 11:49:58 UTC 2010

On 10 August 2010 11:15, Monezz <monezz at gmail.com> wrote:
> Just connect a monitor to the vga or dvi connector on your laptop.

This is how I often work too. The extra desktop space of using both
together makes /my/ life easier, but it's harder work for the laptop!

> I also use a laptop stand (+external keyboard and mouse ) to put the
> laptop screen on the same hight as a normal screen, creating an
> ergonomic dual screen setup.

This is a good tip - it aids laptop cooling.

> Your laptop won't be "eased" by this setup, but modern laptops
> shouldn't have noticeable performance cutback from dual screen 2d
> processing.

Concur. There is a tiny bit of extra load but it's not significant. My
elderly Thinkpad X31 works fine driving the internal display at
1024x768 + an external display at 1280x1024, so long as I drop the
colour depth to 65K colours. It has a puny ATI "Radeon Mobility"
graphics chip and just 16MB of VRAM. This is under Mint 9 (= Ubuntu

Liam Proven • Profile & links: http://www.google.com/profiles/lproven
Email: lproven at cix.co.uk • GMail/GoogleTalk/Orkut: lproven at gmail.com
Tel: +44 20-8685-0498 • Cell: +44 7939-087884 • Fax: + 44 870-9151419
AIM/Yahoo/Skype: liamproven • MSN: lproven at hotmail.com • ICQ: 73187508

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