
Kaj Haulrich kaj.haulrich at
Mon Aug 9 15:06:02 UTC 2010

On 2010-08-09 15:20, J wrote:

>> There is commercial software as well. Personally I use Vuescan from
>> Hamrick Software and never looked back. The reason is that I do a lot of
>> film scanning (old B/W and color negatives) and Vuescan has excellent
>> support for (almost) all types of scanners and films. It's easy to use
>> and installation is straightforward.
> Kaj, Same question as above.  I'm certainly not against using
> commercial software, because like you, I scan negatives and color
> medium format slides, so I need the ability to do so with my scanning
> software... does Vuescan do this?  (I'm assuming it at least does
> negatives, since you've already mentioned that).  But will Vuescan
> handle the advanced features that the Avansys drivers don't support on
> the Epson printers?

J, I use an Epson Perfection 2400 Photo scanner, which works excellent 
with Vuescan. Before I purchased the license to Vuescan (something like 
$100) I had endless trouble with both xsane and the Avasys driver. Hence 
the cash lift-off...

And yes, I scan 35mm color dias in 5x5 cm frames with excellent results. 
Vuescan allows to specify numerous film makes, like Kodachrome, 
Ektachrome, Agfa and so on in order to obtain correct color balance.

On the other hand, for everyday use - like scanning huge amounts of 
not-so-important 35 mm films and dias'es, I use an el-cheapo dedicated 
film scanner from Aldi (Traveler TV 6600 - $80). OK, it's not a real 
scanner, but rather a fixed digital camera with a display for quick 
decisions. It takes 3 minutes to 'scan' an entire film with 35 frames 
and works like a mass store device on the USB port. The resulting photos 
come at 1 MB each and can be further enchanced on the 'puter' - where I 
use Digikam to crop, rotate adjust contrast etc. and add text, tags an 
so forth.

Kaj Haulrich.
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