Latest updates broke my E

Jordon Bedwell jordon at
Sun Aug 8 12:31:43 UTC 2010

On Sun, 2010-08-08 at 12:47 +0100, Liam Proven wrote:
> Er, no. It's not a "hard drive", it's a "hard *disk*", and that means
> rotating media. The term you are after is SSD, for Solid State Drive,
> which is an alternative storage medium to an HD.
> It can either be an HD or an SSD, but not both.
> I'm not just nit-picking to be a pain. When you are talking about
> technical problems, it's very important to get the terminology right.

I don't want to point out the irony here, but you were only right about
SSD, you were way off the ball with the others.  Traditional motor based
magnetic storage is actually called Hard Disk Drive or HDD.  Not HD, not
Hard Drive, or Hard Disk, though the latter two are generally accepted
as non-technical propers, they are truly incorrect in technical proper

I'm not here to care about who is right or wrong, just to correct those
who think they're right while calling somebody else wrong.  I like to
sit in my corner watching the irony.  It's a hobby when I'm bored.

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