Unable install Adobe Flash Player using "./firefox -no-remote -ProfileManager" ; jor

Basil Chupin blchupin at iinet.net.au
Sat Aug 7 06:55:21 UTC 2010

On 07/08/2010 16:30, Lucio M Nicolosi wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 7, 2010 at 2:38 AM, giovanni_re<john_re at fastmail.us>  wrote:
>> Firefox 3.6.8 on KUbuntu 10.4 64 bit.
>> =
>> It downloads, but then the browser says it was unable to install.
>> I've got about 6 profiles set up. Â That is so that if one crashes, the
>> others don't.
>> I've got about 5 addon plugins installed - noscript, ghostery,
>> flashblock, etc. Â I've checked their settings&  don't see why flash
>> won't install.
>> =
>> Anyone seen anything like that?
>> ./firefox -no-remote -P BTIP
> It seems that currently there is no Adobe Flash Player for any 64 bit OS.
> Adobe had an Alpha 64 version available but not any more. It will
> probably release a 64 version in the future after the security issues
> are properly addressed.
> Adobe suggests using the 32 bit version of Firefox and then installing
> Flash. I use an old Alpha 64 player with Ubuntu 64 at my own risk.

I may be completely wrong, but I thought that the suggestion was to 
install the 32-bit version of Flash even if using the 64-bit Firefox.

As always, I stand to be corrected.


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