[SOLVED] Re: How to use ethernet for private lan and 3g for external network at the same time?

Colin Law clanlaw at googlemail.com
Fri Aug 6 07:59:19 UTC 2010

On 6 August 2010 02:11, archayl <archayl at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, 2010-08-05 at 14:12 -0400, pod wrote:
>> Perhaps right-clicking the NM icon -> edit connections -> select the
>> correct wired connection -> edit -> IPv4 settings -> Routes... -> 'Use
>> this connection only for resources on it's own network' check box will
>> tell NM to route global traffic back to the 3g connection.
>> Word of warning though, getting caught using a modem while connected to
>> the office lan by high strung security obsessed network/IT guys might
>> mean losing your job.
>> Dave
> Thanks Dave and everyone. Now I'm in office and able to get the matter
> working. I do just like Dave suggest, and voila. All internal network
> works, along with external.
> Now, to make things clear, here at my office, the blocking is not all
> about security. Some high rank personnel are able to go through the
> proxy as they are provided with privileged account even though they are
> not having the security sense high enough (if it exists after all). It's
> more about productivity. I'm in the IT system and web things (not
> admin). Those things really need online documentation. I've no clearance
> that high to get access to global internet. So, I go get my own
> initiavite. And here I am. I do it because I need it, no sense of
> immorality. It's super easy in Ubuntu, just need to take the time to
> discover it. Thanks all!

If I were you I would get permission to do this from your manager in
order to cover yourself.  Otherwise imagine the disciplinary hearing
if someone manages to hack in to the company system through your
connection.  Even better point out to your manager that you need
access to the internet to to do your job properly and so should have
access through the proxy.  If he/she decides that you cannot have it,
and are therefore less productive at your job then it is his/her fault
not yours.


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