How to use ethernet for private lan and 3g for external networkat the same time?

Edwin McGuire mcguiresmain at
Fri Aug 6 02:37:25 UTC 2010

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tim Henderson" <bizdev at>
To: "Ubuntu user technical support,not for general discussions" 
<ubuntu-users at>
Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2010 5:22 PM
Subject: Re: How to use ethernet for private lan and 3g for external 
networkat the same time?

>> Word of warning though, getting caught using a modem while connected to
>> the office lan by high strung security obsessed network/IT guys might
>> mean losing your job.
>> If you do this, you are forming a path into your workplace that bypasses
>> the protections your workplace has set up. You may not agree with those
>> protections, but they are there and you would be bypassing them.
>> I think you are laying yourself open to dismissal for cause.
> Both of these replies are quite unhelpful.  Could we stick to HOW to set
> this up and

*          "drop morality here".

 Doesn't matter if he's at work or just
> at home and wants to double connect his connection.
> I myself am curious to the answer of this one.  At home and work I have
> access to multiple connections.  And yes at work, I am open to explore
> them.  I'd like to see how to route http traffic to one connection, and
> leave the rest of the traffic onto the other.
> Tim H.

   *=          : {

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