Ajit Singh wants to chat

Jordon Bedwell jordon at envygeeks.com
Tue Aug 3 08:25:48 UTC 2010

On 8/3/2010 1:56 AM, Basil Chupin wrote:
> For chrissake, is this a spam message from Mumbai?!
> Auto messages from some "Intantile-isimo" because he is out of his
> office (and brains as well) and now this crap!
> Not happy......
> BC

I thought I was the only one going crazy from the crap going on here the 
last few weeks with the "I'm out of office messages" from an 
administrator and the random messages sent to the mailing list from crap 
like this.  This is exactly why SORB's has this list blacklisted right 
now probably.  Go go Ubuntu mailing list admins, y'all are pro.

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