What is/are the site/s where one can upload a graphic/file for others to access?

Gilles Gravier ggravier at fsfe.org
Tue Aug 3 05:40:14 UTC 2010


On 03/08/2010 07:34, Basil Chupin wrote:
> Thank you for this, Michael. I just had a look at this site and what I
> saw was that images larger than 1MB are going to be cut down - which is 
> what picpaste seemed to do even though picpaste states that images of 
> less than 7MB are fine to upload :-( . I want to upload 2 images - a 
> sort of before and after - each of about 2.2MB big.
> Maybe I'll just give away my idea of sharing what a gnome desktop on 
> Ubuntu can look like - it's not that important. But I'll keep trying to 
> find the right site for use at some future time :-) .


That's a HUGE image for sharing a desktop shot. You should convert it to
high quality JPEG. It will only take a few hundreds of kilobytes while
remaining very visible for demonstration purposes.

Unless you are trying to illustrate things like screen pixel corruption
by a graphics drivers, the artefacts introduced by JPEG when using high
quality settings should be OK.


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