dreamweaver alternative for ubuntu?

arshad arshad3m at gmail.com
Mon Aug 2 16:44:07 UTC 2010

On Sun, 2010-08-01 at 22:59 -0500, Jordon Bedwell wrote:
> On 8/1/2010 9:39 PM, Dave Stevens wrote:
> > Quoting arshad<arshad3m at gmail.com>:
> >> i know several IDEs like bluefish and apanta.
> >> but i want to know, whether there are any IDEs in which controls (text
> >> box, combo box etc..) can be 'dragged and dropped' like in adobe
> >> dreamweaver.
> > Have you checked KompoZer?
> Gedit has most of what you want built into it. Syntax highlighting, 
> snippets, sftp support and anything else can be added as a plugin. 
> Google "Customize Gedit as a web developers IDE".  They even have 
> Dreamweaver themes for Gedit too (the syntax only of course.)

im looking for something,
where i can drag a text box, a combo box, radio buttons etc....
without being need to code to create those components.
like GUI development in netbeans.

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