list rules [was: Reconfigure after changing Video Card]

Ric Moore wayward4now at
Sun Aug 1 01:18:51 UTC 2010

On Sun, 2010-08-01 at 07:56 +1000, Res wrote:
> On Sat, 31 Jul 2010, Cybe R. Wizard wrote:
> > I've said it before, I'll say it again; the sign-up page needs to point
> > not only to the CoC, but to the mailing list etiquette [1] page as well.
> > It would be well if everyone had to sign /BOTH/ of those before joining.
> >
> > Until that happens it is really pointless to bitch about non-compliance
> > (although I sometimes do anyway).
> and it is still pointless... unless you are going to turn off direct 
> subscription reuests via email, that's how I signed up years ago, thats 
> how I'm sure countless many others signed up, the only confirmation 
> mailman does is check if the sender envelope actually wants to be on the
> requested list, I never signed nor agreed to ANYTHING to join this list.
> NEWSFLASH:   Email has been in use many years longer than web, why does 
> everyone here think the only members of this list arrived here coz of some
> page on a ubuntu website  *sigh*

I had an 8 line BBS that allowed the users to just login to a Linux
terminal and have at it. They were using Pine before the Internet went
public. We didn't have any stinking GUI at all, until some new thing
called PPP happened. But, we decided at modem speeds to not allow a
graphical connection and remained text-mode. Everyone hung out in the
MUD and had a blast. Ric

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