AW: ubuntu server 9.10: manual software installation without internet

Kühne Jörg HCARE-IKMI Joerg.Kuehne at
Fri Apr 30 14:02:42 UTC 2010

Dear Franz

Thanks for your email. A simple question, but how I can mount f.e. the usb-stick within the ubuntu server 9.10 without any desktop-environment, >sudo mount /media/xxxx

Regards ikmi

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: ubuntu-users-bounces at [mailto:ubuntu-users-bounces at] Im Auftrag von Franz Waldmüller
Gesendet: Freitag, 30. April 2010 15:38
An: Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions
Betreff: Re: ubuntu server 9.10: manual software installation without internet

Kühne Jörg HCARE-IKMI schrieb:
> Dear List
> How I get to the additional ubuntu server 9.10 application repositories without the possibility of internet access (without apt-get etc ...).  How I can install the available packages manually ?
> Regards ikmi
below is my reply to a similar question.
if you are on a server without GUI, the process should be the same but 
you will need another application instead of synaptic. Check out the 
different front-ends to apt.

on the machine which needs packages but lacks a network connection:
start synaptic, select the packages you want install, go to "File"
select create download script. (don't close synaptic)

Save this file, move it to your other pc which has a network connection,
execute this script
take all packages back to the other computer.
In Synaptic go to "File" -> "Add downloaded packages" -> select to
folder in which the downloaded packages are located.
and you are done.


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