problem with nautilus

NoOp glgxg at
Fri Apr 30 02:11:24 UTC 2010

On 04/29/2010 07:00 PM, Gary Kirkpatrick wrote:
> ls /media/b3f90948-6159-4ed7-8323-606a228de613/home -al
> total 12
> drwxr-xr-x  3 root  root  4096 2010-02-20 10:36 .
> drwxr-xr-x 25 root  root  4096 2010-04-28 22:22 ..
> drwxr-xr-x 59 garyk garyk 4096 2010-04-27 21:40 gary
> gk

OK. You see the ownership (user and group) of the /home/gary folder?
It's 'garyk' not 'gary'. Did you previously use garyk to log into sda1,
or did you use 'gary'?

Now please provide the output of:

$ ls /media/b3f90948-6159-4ed7-8323-606a228de613/home/gary

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