Lubuntu -new kid on the block

Goh Lip g.lip at
Wed Apr 28 12:12:49 UTC 2010

Have you guys (meaning n gals) heard of Lubuntu?
It's a great small distro using LXDE desktop. Works great and it would
be the one I'd recommend for not so powerful computer and for running
on the usb stick. Totally impressed with it.
Check out......

Run it on a 2 Gb usb stick for about 1 week now and was blown away.
Multimedia codecs all installed and the only thing I installed is adobe
flash (and gparted on the stick). Installation disk is only about 300
Mb. Comes with Google Chrome and Slypheed and a disk utility that 
runs SMART tests.

Tried Kubuntu Netbook Remix as well as Ubuntu Netbook Remix 
but would not recommend running on usb. And yes, have tried Xubuntu.

Regards - Goh Lip


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