grub sees 2 out of 3 systems...lucky me

Goh Lip g.lip at
Wed Apr 28 08:39:32 UTC 2010

Robert Holtzman wrote:

> Thanks for the thought but as I will forced kicking and screaming into
> grub2 as soon as I install 10.04 (a month or so) I would just as soon
> not jump into a whole new learning curve just yet, at least not until I
> get my current problem sorted out.

Okay, I'm fine with that. Good luck, but I'll try, if you don't mind, to 
add 'pointlets' to assist in some small ways; like the following....

> I pulled 9.10 off and reinstalled 9.04. Because It didn't find 8.04,
> instead of screwing around with the menu.lst on 9.04, I reinstalled 8.04
> to it's old partitions and kept 9.04. Now 8.04s grub doesn't see 9.04.
> What fun!

Bob, try doing again 'sudo update-grub' ? It may help.

Regards - Goh Lip

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