No keyboard led, how get them on screen ?

J dreadpiratejeff at
Tue Apr 27 21:12:24 UTC 2010

On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 16:59, Karl Larsen <klarsen1 at> wrote:
> On 04/27/2010 02:45 PM, Francesco Bolzoni wrote:
>> On Tue, 2010-04-27 at 14:25 -0600, Karl Larsen wrote:
>>> But the software Ubuntu 10.04 has on the upper bands the on and
>>> off. I have a key on the keyboard for numlock and caps lock. I have zero
>>> problems.
>> Actually i run 10.04 64 bit version. But NO keyboard indicator on upper panel, nor any applet doing that (almost i have not found it!)
>> Can u tell me what is the name of that nice applet ?
>> Lucio: I have tryed gKrellm and it works. BUT i don't need that lot of
>> indicator... Thanks anyway for the suggestion !
>> Francesco
>     Tried to tell you this is NORMAL on most laptops. You find numlock
> and caps on the keyboard and use them as necessary.
> 73 Karl

Umm, Karl,

Having numlock and capslock keys on the keyboard has nothing to do
with this.. he's asking about a way to visually see if either is
enabled (as his system does not have the typical LED indicators).  And
no, that's NOT normal.  MOST systems, laptop or otherwise, DO have LED
indicators that indicate whether Caps Lock, Num Lock, or Scroll Lock
are active.

I hate to ask, but do you even understand what the OP is asking about?

And OP, you can use gKrellm for a lot more than that, and it's
actually a quite useful tool (plus you can pin it to desktops and have
it sit below any open window so it doesn't get in they way.  It's
invaluable for monitoring system usage and figuring out when something
is not working right (like Firefox chewing up 100% of one or more CPU
cores, for example).

but here's a possible solution for you too:

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